

Hope Restored Canada (HRC) provides support to survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking. We run a housing program which exists to ‘to address the profound recovery needs that sexually exploited and trafficked persons (18+) have as they exit their lives of abuse’. We aim to ‘transform and support the lives of sexually exploited and trafficked women and youth in Saskatchewan’.
Due to capacity constraints, we are unable to receive new intakes until early 2023. 

A year in our program follows three phases. 

Phase One: Exit and Stabilization
In this basic survival phase of our program, we assist participants as they exit trafficking, with immediate stabilization, initial recovery, and meet fundamental needs.
Entering the program is completely voluntary. The program staff meet with each participant to analyze specific needs and create a custom case plan. 

Phase Two: Therapeutic Recovery

This phase is the most intensive recovery time for program participants. After basic needs are met in phase one, we can begin to explore a healing journey for each survivor. This phase focuses on group sessions and education aimed at rebuilding self-esteem, understanding and engaging in recovery from post traumatic stress, learning or re-learning life skills, increasing awareness of sex trafficking and exploitation, and gaining coping strategies for triggers and anxiety. Participants have access to counselors specializing in drug addiction, sexual trauma recovery, and overall personal well-being. 

Phase Three: Transition and Follow-up Care

The final phase of our program is essential to the long-term success of survivors. This phase focuses on support for building resumes, preparation for job interviews, arranging volunteer opportunities, locating stable housing and furnishing it, integrating into a community, and developing a strong support network. After a survivor has moved out of the house, follow-up care is continually provided in the form of casework visits. The goal of this phase is to support survivors as they re-enter society as thriving members. 

One year in our program helps holistically restore survivors by increasing their self-worth through our multifaceted program. What takes a year for one, impacts a lifetime and potential generations to come. Breaking free from the bondage of sexual exploitation and trafficking is not always an easy step but we are offering hope every day to the people who reach out to us seeking our help. 

“There are far far better things ahead than anything we leave behind.”

-C. S. Lewis