About Hope Restored Canada
Hope Restored Canada’s (HRC) primary mandate is addressing the diverse recovery needs that sexually exploited and trafficked women, trans women, as well as Two Spirit individuals as they exit their lives of abuse. Since 2015, HRC has provided outreach support through a hotline and by volunteers, as well as educational opportunities for a variety of agencies.
In 2019, HRC opened its first residential (8 bed) program to provide women, trans women, as well as Two Spirited individuals exiting sex trafficking and sexual exploitation with a safe, comfortable home for personal recovery and renewal. The house has been busy since it opened. Residents are women and girls from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities, including Indigenous women and girls, new immigrants, teenagers who have left home or who were in protection, and 2SLGBTQQ individuals. Within Saskatchewan, many of the victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking are of Indigenous ancestry.
Hope Restored Canada offers these key programs and services:
- Safe housing for women, trans women, as well as Two Spirit individuals as they exit the cycle of sexual exploitation and trafficking. Program participants are supported by staff through program facilitation and relationship-based case management that connects them with appropriate support and services to address their unique needs.
- Multi-faceted educational/trauma-informed healing programs and one-on-one facilitated sessions with a qualified counsellor for safe house residents, day-program participants and, when appropriate, their families.
- Cultural education and elder support for program participants to reconnect with their culture, and to learn and experience traditional approaches to healing.
- Skill-building for participants including, but not limited to: nutrition and cooking programs,healthy hygiene and body care, laundry and house maintenance skills, parenting classes for women with children, budgeting and community living skills.

Everyone deserves a safe place to experience support and care, no matter where they are in their journey
Our Mission
Make a measurable impact with those who are sexually exploited and trafficked through education, partnerships, funding and programs.
Our Vision
To transform and support the lives of sexually exploited and trafficked women and youth in Saskatchewan.
Our Philosophy
Hope Restored Canada believes that all humanity is inherently valued and worthy of respect and dignity. We honour the journey towards restorative justice, which accepts that the holistic well-being of all people is nurtured through reciprocal, relational interconnectedness.
Our Commitment
Through courageous actions, HRC advocates for justice and equity by:
- utilizing trauma-informed approaches and resiliency education that promotes and nurtures
- healthy relationships;
- championing fundamental human rights;
- responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and the MMIWG calls for justice;
- working alongside individuals and organizations to raise awareness and collectively challenge the harmful impacts of sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Our Values

empowering people to live and lead by love

Compassionate Dedication
affirming the hope and joy of our service

respect for the dignity and honour of healthy relationships

Courageous Innovation
bold creativity in an ever changing world

integrating excellence and stewardship in all that we do
Reach Out To Us
Your thoughts and questions are valuable to us.