This year’s summit provided a forum style conference format to engage participants in dialogue with the presenters. Our Pre-Summit day was thoughtfully prepared for the development of professionals within the health, education and/or social justice service providers, directly involved with vulnerable peoples. Our main summit day was directed to any community member or business desiring to be educated and wanting to be involved in helping us eradicate human trafficking.

Tara Wilkie, Registered Nurse and Forensic Nurse Examiner from British Columbia. Creator of “Human Trafficking: Help Don’t Hinder”, the first online learning modules in Canada that has trained thousands emergency health care providers. She was instrumental in creating the Human Trafficking Healthcare Initiative Team for Fraser Health’s Forensic Nursing Service. (See link below). She delivered two messages for the Summit: “Responding to the Emergent Medical Forensic Health Needs of Persons Who are Trafficked” and “Trauma, When the Helpers Get Hurt”.
Andrew Hammond, Detective Constable, Toronto Police – Gang Unit. He spoke on current gang trends, gang migration, gang indicia, gangs and human trafficking and how social media is being used to recruit victims of human trafficking.
Beatrice Wallace, local Indigenous Human Trafficking survivor and advocate, shared her personal story and insights on Survivor Care. Her personal story will be published in a book this summer entitled “Wolf Woman”.
Albert Brown, Leader/ Director of over 100 John Schools in John school presented a heartfelt message on “Addressing Demand.”
David Pollindine, International Justice Mission Rep for Manitoba and SK, spoke on “Cybersex Trafficking”.
Plus local leaders, and co-founders of HRC Jodi Kozan and Joeline Magill who shared on the reality of sexual exploitation and trafficking in Canada, recognizing the signs and more. Each topic was designed for the Summit Participant to understanding further the complexity of sexual exploitation and trafficking, but ultimately to grow in hope so we can do something to either prevent this from happening and/or to respond to those individuals in dire need for hope, recovery and restoration.

Click here to take the “ Human Trafficking: Help Don’t Hinder” A 1-hour online learning module developed by Fraser Health Forensic Nurse Examiners. The module is designed to better aid emergency health care professionals to identify and provide assistance to potential victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation who present in a hospital Emergency Department. Two versions are available for: 1) Fraser Health staff and other B.C. health care providers, and 2) the general public and non-B.C. health care providers. The training method, which includes an introductory video on human trafficking and interactive case studies, is based on the “c.a.r.e” acronym (CONSIDER – the red flags, ASSESS – the health care environment, the patient and the health care provider, RESPOND – initiate a referral to Forensic Nursing Service, EVALUATE – the response). This acronym is based on a trauma informed approach to care and guides the health care provider through the steps of identification and response.
Events like our Summit are designed to engage participants in our mission to “Grow in Hope, Be Equipped and Respond”. We can all do our part to end human trafficking in our own communities. Want to learn more? Didn’t get a chance to attend our Summit? There are many ways to be educated on this topic and connect with us and our mission. Click here to engage with Hope Restored Canada and learn about ways to become a member, volunteer, financial supporter or other ways to partner with HRC!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead