On March 8th, the world will once again observe International Women’s Day (IWD) with events, marches, and forums about issues impacting the lives and overall wellbeing of women. This year we celebrate the 107th anniversary since the first suffragettes hosted the International Women’s Day in 1911 in Britain.

“The values that guide International Women’s Day provide direction for the type of action, behaviour, and ethos associated with this critical and globally-supported day. Ten values that guide International Women’s Day are Justice, Dignity, Hope, Equality, Collaboration, Tenacity, Appreciation, Respect, Empathy. Forgiveness. – let us continue the work and spirit of the almighty Suffragettes, fighting the good fight. And let us recognize, honour and celebrate the important and impressive achievements of women globally.”
We value IWD’s values, vision, and mission as we do our part to support equality among men and women. We acknowledge the unrelenting discord of true equality and injustice that arises from gender-based violence that includes sexual exploitation and trafficking.
As IWD tackles various issues affecting women globally, we’re proud to do our part to address gender based violence. We recognize that there are also men and boys being sexually exploited and trafficked, but the majority are women. In some countries like Canada, over 98% of the sexually exploited and trafficked individuals are women and girls. Globally, it is closer to 80-90%. We contend for the freedom of all. We know that the same vulnerabilities that lead to sex trafficking are connected to other issues being highlighted through the IWD movement. Our mission is to eradicate sexual exploitation and trafficking along with many other individuals, agencies and organizations across this nation, and across the globe. On International Women’s Day, we will celebrate the strides being made towards freedom empowerment and equality and reflect on what needs to be done in our communities.
- It starts with changing attitudes and behaviours.
- It starts by recognizing that the gender stereotypes and subtle sexism we encounter every day are part of the problem.
- It starts by challenging the sexism and discrimination that allow gender inequality to exist.
- It begins with us, our families, our communities to content for a world where true equality exists between men and women.
We need to ask ourselves the tough questions and be a part of the solution to shift culture in dire need for hope and restoration. How are we raising our children to view men and women? What is modelled to us on a daily bases with healthy/unhealthy relationships? Have we tackled the many ‘shame’ messages that hold us back from really tackling the issue of sexual exploitation and trafficking- openly and authentic together?
IWD’s 2019 theme is “Better the Balance, Better the World” #Balanceforbetter

“ Let’s build a gender-balanced world. Everyone has a part to play – all the time, everywhere. From grassroots activism to worldwide action, we are entering an exciting period of history where the world expects balance. We notice its absence and celebrate its presence.”“ -IWD 2019
We notice its absence and celebrate its presence.
In the Saskatoon Area? Join us on Friday March 8th at our event International Women’s Day Celebration- click here for tickets and information (or join another event in your community).

Other links:
Canadian Women’s Foundation on Gender Based Violence
The United Nations on Gender Equality / Gender Based Violence
International Women’s Day 2019 theme: Balance for Better
UN Foundation “A Global Issue We Can’t Ignore
Is there an International Men’s Day? (Yes! November 19th)